Descent Work And Economic Growth
TINADA give emphasis on skill building and work readiness through technical trainings, mentorship, Information, linkages and awareness, access to placement - formal and informal for livelihoods. The thematic area targets youth between 18-35 years equipping and supporting them to increase their economic capacity and quality of life. The top of priorities will be to build soft and core skills which not only enable young people to get employment. The second capacity would be to build financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills. Eventually build the capacity of young people to initiate and sustain income generating activities. This would also be through strengthening agribusiness, establishing entrepreneurship resource-hub and a sports complex to provide young people with an avenue to income generation.
The aim of economic empowerment is to work with the youth and communities to help them to raise their incomes and subsequently their standard of living.
In Kenya currently, youth unemployment is higher than the overall national unemployment rate, and given that the youth (18 to 35 years) make up about 75% of our population, this segment is of key concern.
It is for this reason that TINADA specifically aims to strengthen the capacities of vulnerable youth, young women and young persons with disabilities for sustainable economic interventions. Young people’s participation and contribution to the country’s economic growth depends to a large extent on how they are prepared and guided for their current and future roles.
To this end, the organization will continue to work these groups within the communities in strengthening their capacity, knowledge, skills and attitude towards self-sufficiency. And we hope to achieve:
- Enhanced youth productive education and career development towards increased youth employment
- Increased initiatives and enterprises among youth and vulnerable populations exhibiting leading entrepreneurial and agribusiness practices for enhanced livelihood
- Strengthened Youth, Young Women and Young people with Disabilities having quality and relevant human capital or skills to access opportunities and information as well as linkages leading to gainful self or waged employment or entrepreneurship
- An innovative youth led and youth friendly job-creation function and sustainable model
Descent work and economic growth specific objectives and expected outcomes
Goal: Strengthen capacities of vulnerable youth, young women and young persons with disabilities for sustainable decent work and economic growth | |
Specific objectives | Expected Outcomes |
Enhance the soft skills capacity among vulnerable youth, young women, and young persons with disabilities. |
❖Improved employability of vulnerable youth, young women, and young persons with disabilities ❖Increased productivity of vulnerable youth, young women, and young persons with disabilities ❖Soft skills ability to sustain job opportunities |
To enhance capacity through core skills training and mentorship for the youth, young women and young persons with disabilities. |
❖Increased number of vulnerable youths, young women, and young persons with disabilities accessing jobs ❖Increased number of successive innovation models by vulnerable youth, young women, and young pwd ❖Increased number of business enterprises |
Enhance the financial literacy and management capacity of youth, young women, and young persons with disabilities |
❖Ability to make sound financial decisions, management and planning leading to informed investments. ❖Increased number of business enterprise models with sound financial management |
Strengthen the entrepreneurship skills and management of youth, young women, and young persons with disabilities. |
❖Increased number of successful business models ❖Increased number of successful entrepreneurs with increased income leading to increased livelihoods |
Improve agribusiness skills of youth, young women, and young persons with disabilities through training, mentorship and support |
❖Increased production and income among agribusiness enterprises run by young people. |
Strengthening Income Generating Activities (IGAs) of TINADA to back up program funding portfolio. |
❖Sustainable IGAs established and effectively and successfully operating. |
Establishment of Entrepreneurship Resource Hub |
❖Improved livelihoods resulting from employment opportunities, income generation, and production. ❖Successful entrepreneurship resource hub mentor and linking young people for employment |
Establish and run a complex sports and talent academy. |
❖Improved and promotion of talents and exposure as a source of livelihood. ❖Number of talented successful young people |