Monitoring, Evaluation, Leaning and Accountability

“People and their managers are working so hard to be sure things are done right, that they hardly have time to decide if they are doing the rights things” – Stephen R Covey

TINADA Youth Action Africa Child Development and Protection strategy picture

Building on our rigorous efforts in leading the Western Region (5+ Counties) of Kenya in realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, TYAAfriq like any other not-for-profit organization is under pressure to evaluate the work we do. Armed with a community-centered approach, an innovative team, committed donors & an inclusive community striving for an empowered, healthy & just society, M&E processes & activities becomes as easy as pie.

Our MEL department primary driver is COLLABORATION! Nothing for us, without us. TYAAfriq partners with its different stakeholders in this endeavor. From our donors, staff, volunteers & community at large, our MEL team takes time to bond, understand, and inspire each one to not only share their story but also to learn from those of others. To us, impact evaluation is always a great time to give the community – including those who take their time to advance our cause without pay – an opportunity to tell us & our donors whether the work we are doing & the resources we are spending make a difference in their daily lives.

TYAAfriq Research and MEAL team promotes stakeholder stories in new, innovative ways across our several platforms including through our recently crafted youth theatre team – a first of its kind in the region. To date, we have engaged local leadership & young community members in communicating our program findings to our beneficiaries at different levels. This way, lessons are not only learnt among those who do the work but also disseminated across various stakeholder levels for better programming. We understand impact evaluation is a relative new area gaining momentum among program implementers and we want to be there – not only keep up but be counted.